Keynote Speakers



 Prof. Rachid YAZAMI

Professor, CEO at KVI Pte Ltd

"La batterie intelligente au coeur de l’industrie du Futur"



Prof. Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni

Executive President of Ai Movement - UM6P
 "L’IA au service d’un monde meilleur" 

Greg Scullard 

Developer Advocate, Executive Director EMEA at Swirlds Labs

"Hashgrpah: The Future of Robust Distributed Ledger Technologies" 

Prof. Alexandre Dolgui

Head of the Automatic, Production and Information Technology Department 

IMT Bretagne

"Optimization a key component of the industry of the future"


Prof. El-Ghazali TALBI

 Lille University - France

"Automated Design of Deep Neural Networks" 


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